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Pokaz filmów AURORE AULONG realizowany w ramach projektu WRZESZCZ ART! Projekt WRZESZCZ ART! jest realizowany bez publicznego wsparcia finansowego.

paź 2

środa, g. 12:00

bilety 12 zł
paź 18

piątek, g. 10:00

bilety 10 zł
Urodzona 25 października 1982 obywatelka Francji, mieszka i pracuje pomiędzy Bordeaux, Paryżem i Budapesztem. Pokaz przeznaczony dla widzów dorosłych.

A text about the film ENTRE DEUX :
"Two complete strangers meet for the first time to pose nude together for a photographer in an empty room.
Entre Deux (In between) reveals the ephemeral relationships of six couples.
It's a fine and funny game for these improvised couples to live a common experience for an hour and a half. Passing through phases of embarrassment and frustration, but also liberation and seduction - they need to build a genuine, new relationship on their own terms."

- A text about me :
"Most of my work is based on the transgression between different existing media to find new ways of staging our intimacy.

Most of my work is based on the transgression of borders defining different existing media for the sake of finding new ways of staging the intimacy.

One of my first video installations 'Sonhos' a series based on my dreams, was shot with a self-developed camera system. My primary aim was to enable the viewers to interpret fragments of my privacy thus relating them to their own personal experience of the same aspect in life: family relations, separation, desires, departures, etc.

Later on I started working in Budapest with the Hungarian contemporary dance company Zero Balett, both as a video artist and a dancer. This collaboration contributed a lot to my approach to and interpretation of performing arts and triggered my interest in the conscious use of the body, and in movement in general as self expression.

Following this experience I directed an experimental film 'Entre Deux' about first encounters of volunteer "couples", two complete strangers who come to pose naked for a photo shoot. This work is an extension of my research on intimacy, body postures as well as on the social codes that underlie people's responses to the others.

I have recently been working on video projects with dancers on the topic of exposure and the different ways of getting undressed. I like making people strip. Strip them to the bones."

2012.10.08 | 21.00
Kolonia Artystów | Gdańsk Wrzeszcz
21.00 Pokaz filmów ,
22.00 Pokaz filmu "ENTRE DEUX".
Wstęp wolny.