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DataMass Gdańsk Summit 2019

Czym jest DataMass Gdańsk Summit? To nie tylko kolejna konferencja. To wydarzenie stworzone z pasją i skierowane do osób, które wykorzystują Big Data w praktyce w swojej codziennej pracy. Główną ideą konferencji jest promowanie wiedzy i doświadczenia w projektowaniu i wdrażaniu narzędzi do analizy dużych ilości danych.

paź 23

środa, g. 10:00 - 15:30

Wstęp wolny
What is DataMass Gdańsk Summit?
Its not just another conference. Its an event created with passion and targeted at those who use Big Data in practice in their everyday work. The main idea behind the conference is to promote knowledge and experience in designing and implementing tools for the analysis of big data volumes.

We connect the people who care
We believe that building a community of dedicated experts will help us share knowledge and exchange experience in shaping scalable and distributed computing solutions. We value real-life expertise is there any better way to learn than from actual specialists? Our speakers, true practitioners from top data-driven companies, will show you what they have learned and discovered about the Big Data world.

Answering your needs
Playing an active role in the Big Data world, we could see that a big technical conference focused on the exchange of knowledge and experience in this field was needed in Poland. The aim of DataMass Gdańsk Summit is to create a synergy between businesses focused on the creation and implementation of Enterprise-class solutions, together with experience and knowledge of the academic environment. The Data Science meetup in Gdańsk is a tangible proof that this is currently possible.