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Rock'n'Roll Train

Defrage - Rock from Estonia

2 lutego w klubie Medyk zagra wschodząca gwiazda estońskiej sceny rockowej - zespół Defrage. Grają w unikalnym stylu, łączącym post-grunge i rock alternative. Zespół powstał w 2007 roku, wypuszczając pierwszą płytę 'Jackal' w styczniu 2011. W tej chwili zaczynają trasę promocyjną po Europie, obejmującą 10 państw.

sie 9-10

piątek - sobota

bilety 189 - 289 zł
Kup bilet
lis 9-10

sobota - niedziela

bilety 449 - 499 zł
Kup bilet
Jako support - State Urge

ciężkie brzmienia - koncerty w Trójmieście

Artykuł o zespole:


Defrage is a rising rock band from Estonia. The band plays quite an unique style, a blend of post grunge and alternative rock with an emphasis on strong melodies. The foundation of the band was laid back in January 2007 when guitarist (and more recently producer)Kari Karner started looking for band members who would be able to create the soundscapes of his vision. The band has received a degree of fame by numerous gigs in Estonia and by sharing the stage with some of the bigger local and foreign bands. Defrage has released debut album "Jackal" on January 2011 and its success in Estonia has been remarkable. Album is soon available also on iTunes.

A song from that album called "Save Us From Religion" was titled as anti-religious and a burning church at the end of the music video raised quite a resentment from the public. The band has been in great media attention lately because of another music video where they break a hotel room apart and set it on fire at the end. Most importantly the same thing has happened in real life a few years ago and later made into a song called "Hotel Breakers". September 2011 was a very busy month for the band's agent Alo Puusepp, because he started to organise their first Tour. Since Defrage isn't currently under any management the first countries which actually took his efforts Seriously were Serbia, Bulgaria and Romania. Now they have 24 concerts in 10 different countries, from East Europe to Germany. The band is also planning a USA Tour later this year!

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