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Future of work & rise of digital nomadis

Gdańsk Business Week zaprasza na spotkanie dotyczące przyszłości pracy i zjawiska cyfrowego nomadyzmu. Spotkanie odbędzie się w języku angielskim, obowiązują zapisy:

cze 3

poniedziałek, g. 17.00

Wstęp wolny
cze 13-16

czwartek - niedziela

Na zaproszenie
Technology is changing everything including how we work and play. Post-Materialism world looks incredible as it promises choice and freedom. Have you ever dreamt of non-stop travelling around while working from the beach or top of the mountain? Good news is "ITS POSSIBLE", yes and that's how the future of work looks like. Location independent digital workers and entrepreneurs are called Digital Nomads.

We will discuss:
- Future of work in general
- What & Who are digital nomads
- How to become a digital nomad (if you like)
- How to study degree or gain skills while traveling the world
- What type of skills/ education helps to become a digital nomad.
- We will conduct an exercise to discover what you like to do in the future.

Lecture will be presented by Danish Soomro - Pakistani-Canadian with an MBA from the UK who has worked in tech industry for Microsoft and Shopify in Canada.
