Impreza już się odbyła

International Improv Show

Impro w 107 zadomowiło się na dobre, ale takiego składu jeszcze nie widzieliście. Na zaproszenie Małgorzaty Rózalskiej do Polski zjeżdżają się improwizatorzy z Amsterdamu i Finlandii, aby przez cały weekend prowadzić warsztaty na Uniwersytecie Gdańskim (chętnych zapraszamy do zapisywania się i wspólnie wystąpić w niepowtarzalnym formacie i składzie. Spektakl w języku angielskim. Holenderski i fiński są za trudne.

lis 16-17

sobota - niedziela, g. 21:00

bilety 299 zł
ulgowy 359 zł
lut'25 12

środa, g. 20:00

bilety 285 - 385 zł
Kup bilet
107 is a home for all kinds of improv, but this is something new. You will see improvisers from Amsterdam and Finland, who will come to Gdańsk, invited by Małgorzata Różalska, to teach (you can participate:) and perform together. They will perform in English - Dutch and Finnish are to difficult.

Tickets available before the show: 20zł.

About improvisers:

Laura Doorneweerd is an Amsterdam-based trainer and performer, who works in the fields of improvisation, theatre, and dance. She is part of 3 Dutch improvisation groups performing in the areas of theatresport, longform, and impro for children. She also is a founding member of the Ohana project.
Laura has been teaching for 18 years, including 8 years in her own theatre school. Furthermore she has been organizing courses and school projects in theatre, circus, dance, and movement.
Currently she works as an independent trainer and performer in The Netherlands, Europe and North America.
Laura loves biking, traveling, cats, pancakes, making lists, taking leaps, staying up late and sleeping in. Also, her last name is a castle. True story.

Jochem Meijer is a 39 year old improviser from Amsterdam. He has been improvising since he was 21. Falling in love with improv he decided to make a living out of it, leaving his IT job behind. That
is all ancient history now. For over 10 years he has been teaching various improv troupes, schools and companies withing the Netherlands and Europe. He performs weekly with his troupe
Easylaughs in Amsterdam and is part of various specialized groups. He loves making people click with each other and focuses on getting the group to a higher level.

Markus Kaustell had his first experience on stage at the age of 13, and since then hasn't left the stage empty. He started doing improv in 2010 and after that he's been actively performing and training for
the last 6 years. Back in 2010 he also founded his own private company for performing arts. Professional performing was a natural element from the very beginning as he first joined an
actively performing ensemble. As an entrepreneur he's been performing in various venues stretching from intimate living room ballads to festival main stages.
He worked as a drama teacher for two years for 8-9th graders between 2010-2012. After that Markus moved to do special education and applied improv training. Now he trains theatre improv in different groups and coaches improvisation workshops for varying types of organizations, nationally and internationally. Markus' approach to improv is to have an active presence and
respect while still making bold choices and having fun! Organic, ensemble-centered discovery over egos playing clever!

Sinimaria Tomperi is an improviser since year 2004, currently studying to become a theater instructor at Turku University of Applied Sciences. For the love of improv she has travelled around
Europe and Canada learning from different styles and teachers. She is also part of Ohana, a group of European improvisers who come together three times a year to share knowledge, ideas and
experiences concerning improvisation theatre in its many forms.
In her teaching Sinimaria focuses on contact and group work. When we are present and in contact with our partner on stage, we already have everything we need for our journey of discovery

Enna-Matilda - I'm a drama teacher and improviser who loves to travel in order to learn more about improvisation and widen my perspective about life and performing arts. I'm also an elementary
school teacher and a craft teacher working currently with 5th graders as well as teaching improv at The improvAcademy in Tampere Finland. I perform with three improvisation groups: ITU improv, Kipinäteatteri and The improvAcademy Ensemle. At the moment I'm fascinated about contact and emotions in improv: how to make performing even more delightful through being present and
taking risks on stage. Besides improv I do mask theatre and love writing.

Małgorzata Różalska - host of the show. Polish improviser based in Gdynia/Gdańsk. Started her improv journey in high school, later was a member of W Gorącej Wodzie Kompani group, after that in multiple projects, now she's performing with Abordaż (duo/trio), directing "7 women in different age", "Young Improv", she's teaching improv for business as her Rozaart company, and other kinds of improv at the University of Gdańsk. She's a part of international improv community of Ohana. She graduated Gdynia Film School on Directing. She writes a blog about improv (