Wydarzenie już się odbyło

Jak doprowadzić organizację do rozkwitu?

Wątkiem przewodnim Spotkania będzie zarządzanie firmą w cyklu życia organizacji. Prelegentami będą czołowi konsultanci Adizes Institute. Gościem specjalnym będzie Ichak Adizes, jeden z najwyżej cenionych znawców organizacji, autor bestselerowych książek o zarządzaniu. Przedstawią oni przykłady sukcesów i porażek firm oraz swoje doświadczenia i rekomendacje wynikające ze współpracy z firmami na całym świecie.

paź 2-3

środa - czwartek

bilety 1299 - 4599 zł
paź 24-25

czwartek - piątek, g. 9:00 - 21:00

bilety 200 - 250 zł
Poznamy metody zarządzania firmą na różnych etapach cyklu życia organizacji. Ocenimy możliwe scenariusze rozwoju i określmy zasady wyboru najkorzystniejszych działań. Dowiemy się jak pokonywać zagrożenia i pułapki rozwojowe i doprowadzać firmę do etapu Prime, czyli optymalnego rozwoju.

Gdańsk / 01 czerwca 2017
Prelekcje w języku angielskim


16.45 Welcome coffee

17.00 Beginning of the event

17.05 - 17.45

How organizations grow and die

17.45 - 18.15

How to find where your company is in the life cycle

How to engage people in problem-solving

Hot to foster the changes in an organization

18.15- 18.30 Break

18.30 - 19.30

Where your organization is going

How to structure an organization properly

How to have accountable people

19.30 - 20.00

Organizational therapy - dr Adizes (Skype presentation)


Closing remarks



JANUSZ JACEWICZ, 606 121 083


Dr. Ichak Adizes

Ichak Adizes na zjezdzie absolwntow mba

Over the course of more than 40 years, Dr. Ichak Kalderon Adizes has developed and refined a proprietary methodology that bears his name. The Adizes Methodology enables corporations, governments, and complex organizations to achieve exceptional results and manage accelerated change without destructive conflicts. Leadership Excellence Journal named him one of the Top 30 Thought Leaders in the United States, and Executive Excellence Journal put him on their list of the Top 30 Consultants in America.

In recognition of his contributions to management theory and practice, Dr. Adizes has received 18 honorary doctorates from Universities in ten countries. He is honorary Chancellor of the University of Fredericton, Canada, received the 2010 Ellis Island Medal of Honor, holds the honorary rank of lieutenant colonel from the military and has been made an honorary citizen of two Eastern European countries.

Dr Adizes is a Fellow of the International Academy of Management and has served as a tenured faculty member at UCLA. He was a visiting professor at Stanford, Tel Aviv and Hebrew Universities and taught at the Columbia University Executive Program. He also served as Dean of the Adizes Graduate School for the Study of Leadership and Change, and is currently an academic advisor to the Graduate School of Management of the Academy of National Economy of the Russian Federation.

Dr. Adizes is founder and president of the Adizes Institute, based in Santa Barbara, California, an international consulting company that applies the Adizes Methodology for clients in the public and private sectors. The Adizes Institute was ranked as one of the top ten consulting organizations in the United States by Leadership Excellence Journal.

In addition to consulting to prime ministers and cabinet-level officers throughout the world, Dr. Adizes has worked with a wide variety of companies ranging from startups to members of the Fortune 50. He lectures in four languages, and has appeared before well over 100,000 executives in more than 50 countries.

He has written 20 books that have been published in 26 languages. His book Corporate Lifecycles: How Organizations Grow and Die and What to Do about It (subsequently revised, expanded and republished as Managing Corporate Lifecycles) was named one of the Ten Best Business Books by Library Journal.

Dr. Virginijus Kundrotas

Virginijus KundrotasHe holds a Doctorate in the Social Sciences and is the Dean of the Adizes Graduate School (USA), the Managing Director of Adizes Institute for Lithuania, and a Certified Adizes Associate for organizational management and transformation. His other titles include: President of the Baltic Management Development Association (BMDA); Vice-President of the International Association for Management Development in Dynamic Societies (CEEMAN); member of the Editorial Board of the Baltic Journal of Management (UK); member of the International Scientific Committee of the EDUNIVERSAL - Official selection of World Business Schools (France); member of the Board of Trustees of Almaty Management University (Kazakhstan). He also serves as the Board member of the Lithuanian Free Market Institute, VilNews on-line magazine and number of other institutions. He is the Founding President of the Kauno Tauras Rotary club, and a member of the Vilnius International Club.

On the academic side, Dr. Kundrotas is the Founding President (1999-2008) of ISM University of Management and Economics, Lithuania (the first private HEI in the country). He is a visiting professor at a number of Business Schools in France, the Czech Republic, Latvia, Lithuania, Kazakhstan and Russia.

As an Adizes Associate he delivers trainings and consults with organizations around the world on the topics of change management, organizational transformation, leadership, business ethics and corporate responsibility. He also coaches managers of various business and non-profit organizations. His extensive practical experience and practice of managing organizations, as well as deep theoretical knowledge of various management methodologies and approaches, makes him easy to understand and well accepted among CEOs and other managers within companies.

Marcin Dembowski

Marcin Dembowski

Marcin Dembowski — Over 10 years' experience in the publishing industry, working for such academic publishers as Emerald Group Publishing and Oxford University Press. In the course of his work he has been involved in various projects for promoting young researchers from Central and Eastern Europe, cooperating with organizations such as CEEMAN, BMDA, RABO. Since 2009 he is practicing Adizes Methodology and as an Adizes Associate is responsible for promotion and development of Adizes Institute in Poland.

Marcin received his MBA from London Metropolitan University and his MA in Corporate Communication from the Rotterdam School of Management. Currently he is pursuing a PhD at the Adizes Graduate School (Doctorate — Clinical Track) and at PhD at Kozminski University (PhD in Management).