Impreza już się odbyła

Kosmos już 13 grudnia w Sfinksie700.

mar 14

piątek, g. 22:00

bilety 25 zł
przedsprzedaż 20 zł
mar 15

sobota, g. 22:00

bilety 20 - 30 zł
Kosmos is an experience questioning human boundaries. Dare to open your mind to the unknown. Let yourself be entertained by the various sounds of space music extending far beyond genres and styles. Multidisciplinary and synergetic journey aiming to unite different tribes through dance & culture. Safe space for expression. Book your trip now. To stars and beyond.

Pilots :
- Olivia
- Dtekk
- Evius
- Lil Baby aka rybskie

Fountain room:
- Amour Skateboarding takeover

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