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Luca Gatto (Space W-wa) Lone (Boolvar/Mandarynka) Bari (sax live)

mar 7

piątek, g. 22:00

bilety 25 zł
przedsprzedaż 20 zł
mar 8

sobota, g. 22:00 - 06:00

bilety 50 zł
Luca Gatto has mixed and DJ'd since 2002, inspired by Carl Cox's music.He started with techno but soon realized that the house music is the right track he should follow. In 2003 he became a resident dj in the Underground Club in Polanica Zdroj. During this year he had the opportunity to play and learn from the best polish and european dj's. Than he moved to Cracow to try his forces in the main clubs of south of Poland. In the begining of 2006 he picked up a residency in Cien Club. At he same time he became a music manager of the Ręce i Nogi Club. It was also a time of dj'ing in many other cities in Poland. In 2007 he started to work for Beer Comapny in the North of Poland. He also became a coorganizer of Peroni Nastro Azzurro events and a booking manager in marketing agency. Nowadays he cooperates with the Space Club in Warsaw as an resident. Seasonally he also manages music and promotion in clubs in Debki and Ustka.