Impreza już się odbyła

Międzynarodowe Warsztaty Impro

Teatr Improwizacji Uniwersytetu Gdańskiego, pod wodzą Małgorzaty Różalskiej i Akademickie Centrum Kultury mają przyjemność zaprosić Was, Drodzy Improwizatorzy, Widzowie, Studenci, na ekscytujący Weekend Międzynarodowych Warsztatów Impro. Na zaproszenie Róży, do Polski przyjadą doświadczeni trenerzy impro z Holandii i Finlandii, którzy uczą i występują na całym świecie.

lip 1

poniedziałek, g. 17:00

bilety 200 zł
lip 25

czwartek, g. 18:00

Gdańsk, Dom Sąsiedzki, ul. Batorego 18
bilety 50 zł
ulgowy 30 zł
przedsprzedaż 40 zł
Kup bilet
Spośród szerokiego wachlarza ich warsztatów Róża skomponowała zestaw, który potrąci wiele strun z naszego instrumentu zwanego Impro i pozwoli zagrać akordy, które mogą być dla nas odkrywcze, trudne, spektakularne, dzikie, ale i poetyckie, szczere i naturalne. Będziecie mieli szansę wejść w świat Quentina Tarantino, impro dla dzieci, żonglowania stylami impro, poetyckiego impro rodem z północy, śpiewania bez obaw i używania ciała i przestrzeni na scenie, a nie tylko własnej głowy.

Warsztaty w języku angielskim.
Spieszcie się, gdyż każdy warsztat ma limit tylko 16 miejsc.

Internetowa sprzedaż biletów rusza jutro! Czyli 3 lutego. Postaram się zamieścić link punktualnie o 16:00, żebyście cały dzień nie warowali przy komputerze :)

Cena każdego z warsztatów to 130zł. 



11.00-14.00 Tuning in! Improvised singing starter pack - Markus Kaustell
15.00-18.00 Poetry in motion - improvised poetry and poetic expression - Sinimaria Tomperi, Enna- Matilda Kukkola
15.00-18.00 Shifting gears - Jochem Meijer


11.00-14.00 Tarantino - Jochem Meijer
11.00-14.00 Improv for Kids - Laura Doorneweerd
15.00-18.00 Using the space and moving - Laura Doorneweerd


QUENTIN TARANTINO - Jochem Meijer (Amsterdam)

This workshop celebrates the work of Quentin Tarantino (and Paper street theatre, who came up with the format). We will work on the style elements that make scenes look like Tarantine wrote
them. The monologues, the building of suspense, the way they talk, the way they move from location to location, the over the top violence. Ill also explain how to put these elements into a
relatively simple format, so that you can perform it without getting to much into your head.

SHIFTING GEARS - Jochem Meijer (Amsterdam)

Improvisational theater comes in many forms, a lot of troupes specialize on a particular style. Some will talk a lot during there scenes, others focus on silence in scenes, some groups love
making small talk and others focus purely on the relationships between the characters. What would happen if you would change the style you are playing in in the middle of the scene? That is what
you are going to discover in this workshop. The goal is to shift styles and speeds during the scene. You will create dynamic scenes that can make small talk all of a sudden very important for the characters. switch from talking heads into beautiful silent moments. I will hand you a handy toolbox with which you can consciously switch back and forth between styles for the good of the scene.

POETRY IN MOTION - IMPROVISED POETRY AND POETIC EXPRESSION - Sinimaria Tomperi/ Enna-Matilda Kukkola (Finland)

Poetry is a powerful tool on stage as words can carry us to other worlds, touch us and tell a story. But how is a poem created? A poem is more than a sum of it's words. It is expression, emotion and being present in the moment. In this workshop we explore different ways to create improvised poetry and to express ourselves on stage. We play with words, learn different ways to create
poems as a group and as individuals. After this workshop you'll have tools to create improvised poetry and use them on stage with your group. All you need for the class are comfortable clothes you can move in and a water bottle.


You are good at expressing yourself verbally. In fact, you feel very comfortable making speeches and performances on- and off-stage. But every time someone strums a chord and starts a song or
plays a tune which could turn into a song, you freeze. How come the words get stuck in your throat? Why does singing and making musical improv feel so uncomfortable? You'd like to be as
comfortable in group songs, or even solo songs, as you are talking.
This workshop is for the ones struggling with these feelings. Tuning in! -workshop is a low-key practice of finding and forming your own voice and getting a comfortable grip on the dynamics of
improvised songs. We focus on a few basic breathing techniques, accepting your own voice and enjoying the warmth of singing together with a group. Singing is just prolonged speech, so let's go
and slow down!
DISCLAIMER: No former experience on improv, acting or music is required! Just bring the attitude
you know you have!

USING THE SPACE AND MOVING - Laura Doorneweerd (Amsterdam)

The space is the best friend an improviser has when on a stage. It is always there and can be anything. Even more: it can be as big and as amazing as your fantasy can take you.
In this workshop I will teach many ways to stretch your imagination. We will make the stage multi levelled, with moving angles and unlimited in its space. Think for example of action movies, sport
contests, pursuits or scenes on a micro level.

IMPROV FOR KIDS - Laura Doorneweerd (Amsterdam)

To improvise for an audience of kids it requires that you understand who you are playing for. Young kids are the most honest spectators. That is why you as an improviser can learn so much about your improv, your style and your 'tricks' when performing for them. In this workshop I will encourage you to feel like a kid again, to truthfully PLAY: the kind of play with your tongue out of your mouth. And from there learn all there is to playing sparkling characters, clear stories and beautiful fairy tales.
From my experience as a performer and a teacher with and for kids, I can also teach many games and short forms that work with young audiences. Working on a longform and/or inviting children in
the training are all possible. And a fun way of learning!


Laura Doorneweerd is an Amsterdam-based trainer and performer, who works in the fields of improvisation, theatre, and dance. She is part of 3 Dutch improvisation groups performing in the areas of theatresport, longform, and impro for children. She also is a founding member of the Ohana project.
Laura has been teaching for 18 years, including 8 years in her own theatre school. Furthermore she has been organizing courses and school projects in theatre, circus, dance, and movement.
Currently she works as an independent trainer and performer in The Netherlands, Europe and North America.
Laura loves biking, traveling, cats, pancakes, making lists, taking leaps, staying up late and sleeping in. Also, her last name is a castle. True story.

Jochem Meijer is a 39 year old improviser from Amsterdam. He has been improvising since he was 21. Falling in love with improv he decided to make a living out of it, leaving his IT job behind. That
is all ancient history now. For over 10 years he has been teaching various improv troupes, schools and companies withing the Netherlands and Europe. He performs weekly with his troupe
Easylaughs in Amsterdam and is part of various specialized groups. He loves making people click with each other and focuses on getting the group to a higher level.

Markus had his first experience on stage at the age of 13, and since then hasn't left the stage empty. He started doing improv in 2010 and after that he's been actively performing and training for
the last 6 years. Back in 2010 he also founded his own private company for performing arts. Professional performing was a natural element from the very beginning as he first joined an
actively performing ensemble. As an entrepreneur he's been performing in various venues stretching from intimate living room ballads to festival main stages.
He worked as a drama teacher for two years for 8-9th graders between 2010-2012. After that Markus moved to do special education and applied improv training. Now he trains theatre improv in different groups and coaches improvisation workshops for varying types of organizations, nationally and internationally. Markus' approach to improv is to have an active presence and
respect while still making bold choices and having fun! Organic, ensemble-centered discovery over egos playing clever!

Sinimaria Tomperi is an improviser since year 2004, currently studying to become a theater instructor at Turku University of Applied Sciences. For the love of improv she has travelled around
Europe and Canada learning from different styles and teachers. She is also part of Ohana, a group of European improvisers who come together three times a year to share knowledge, ideas and
experiences concerning improvisation theatre in its many forms.
In her teaching Sinimaria focuses on contact and group work. When we are present and in contact with our partner on stage, we already have everything we need for our journey of discovery

Enna-Matilda - I'm a drama teacher and improviser who loves to travel in order to learn more about improvisation and widen my perspective about life and performing arts. I'm also an elementary
school teacher and a craft teacher working currently with 5th graders as well as teaching improv at The improvAcademy in Tampere Finland. I perform with three improvisation groups: ITU improv, Kipinäteatteri and The improvAcademy Ensemle. At the moment I'm fascinated about contact and emotions in improv: how to make performing even more delightful through being present and
taking risks on stage. Besides improv I do mask theatre and love writing.