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Live Music: Julia Kalkowska

Od teraz, czwartek w Absinthe to Pub Night! Wpadaj na: gry planszowe (wiele do wyboru), piłkarzyki za free, własnoręczne przygotowywane przekąski, dobrej jakości alkohole i nie tylko, muzyka na żywo. Zbieraj swoją ekipę i wpadaj do Absinthe od 17:00. Wspólnie opędzimy jesienno-zimowy dołek.

mar 22

sobota, g. 22:00 - 01:00

bilety 25 zł
przedsprzedaż 20 zł
lip 18-19

piątek - sobota

bilety 307 - 520 zł
Kup bilet
Rezerwacje zrobisz tutaj:
Tel do rezerwacji: 535118021
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rock / punk - koncerty w Trójmieście

Jak zawsze darmowy wstęp.

Shot cytrynówki, Shot wódki plus soft, Piwo Perła. Zamawiasz dwa, płacisz za jedno, w każdy dzień do 20:00.

From now on, Thursday at Absinthe is Pub Night!  Pub Night means above all:  board games (lots to choose from), live music, a foosball table, but also meeting people, chatting, hanging out.  Its miserable out, but we have a lovely cozy inviting basement to spend those evenings in!  Bring your friends or make new ones!

This week Old Man Konrad!

Old Man Konrad a.k.a Preston Smith (and his oversized and extremely uncomfortable acoustic guitar) brings an authentic Texas accent (because he is an authentic Texan) to songs that you might know, should know and maybe would have changed your life if you had known them back when you actually should have known them to begin with. Which may be saying something. Think country, retro, 80s, originals and the odd curse at his guitar because it is so damn big and uncomfortable that he may well sell it to a willing buyer during the gig. And if he forgets a few lyrics or makes some up along the way 
It's poetry man. Poetry.