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Support Group Meeting - English Improv Show

Next support group meeting will be crucial and groundbreaking and you all are invited to join us, no matter what kind of issues our beloved society made you to have.

lut 20

czwartek, g. 18:00

Gdańsk, Dom Kultury, Ul. Śląska 66
bilety 50 zł
ulgowy 30 zł
przedsprzedaż 40 zł
You will take part in four heartbreaking and because of that probably funny stories. Stories about life, love and struggle, mostly struggle.

Our four participants will make sure that after this show you will at least like your life again.

Never heard of improv? You have to come! One of the rare opportunities to spend quality time 'here and now' and have a good laugh.

List of attendees:
Margret Tremiszewska - ImproBaja, W Gorącej Wodzie Kompani
Kuba Śliwiński - W Trzech Osobach, Dzikie Węże Improwizacje
Witold Klonowski - Dostrzegalnia improwizacyjna "Sklejka"

Ticket: 15zł