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28 września w Tasty English odbędzie się warsztat kulinarny w języku angielskim prowadzony przez fluent/native speaker.

sty 11

sobota, g. 15:00

bilety 199 zł
Pumpkin Cookies Cooking Master Class for KIDS from 1,5 Y.O.
Children learn by touching, tasting, feeling, smelling, observing, reading and listening. This is why the kitchen is a perfect environment for learning - it hits a range of senses and a range of learning styles.

Stirring, measuring, rolling, squeezing and spreading are just a few of the kitchen tasks that allow young children to develop their fine motor and hand-eye coordination skills.
Kids will learn how to knead the dough for super quick and tasty cookies. Decorations with the pumpkin details will be a cherry on top!
Everyone will get involved into the process and will have a lot of fun.

Investition: 80 zl kid+parent
Limited amount of group members 
Sign up for the event:
Link via app:
Phone: 737 515 227

Address: Gdynia, Pogórze, ul.Paderewskiego 36