Help! Pomoc Prosze!
Moj Polski jest slaby, za to przepraszam.
Szukam malum scena czy "platformy" na specjalynom impreza tom soboty. Czem jom poszyczycz za jakiesz coszt do uzyjcia w clubje na wystemp.
Czy ktos mosze mnie dacz jakiesz numer czy kontact z kimsz kto zajmuje sie stmy sparawmy.
I am in desperate need of a stage, or small platform on which a performance can take place. Approximate dimensions would be 1.25m x 2.5m, and no more than 12cm off the ground.
I am having an event in Sopot, and just found out the club does not have their own stage. I am looking for a company or individual who is willing to rent out a small stage as described. I appreciate any help, even if its just to point me in the right direction, as to what to search in a Polish phonebook/yellow pages.
Thank you in advance.
Szukam malum scena czy "platformy" na specjalynom impreza tom soboty. Czem jom poszyczycz za jakiesz coszt do uzyjcia w clubje na wystemp.
Czy ktos mosze mnie dacz jakiesz numer czy kontact z kimsz kto zajmuje sie stmy sparawmy.
I am in desperate need of a stage, or small platform on which a performance can take place. Approximate dimensions would be 1.25m x 2.5m, and no more than 12cm off the ground.
I am having an event in Sopot, and just found out the club does not have their own stage. I am looking for a company or individual who is willing to rent out a small stage as described. I appreciate any help, even if its just to point me in the right direction, as to what to search in a Polish phonebook/yellow pages.
Thank you in advance.