Looking for (organizing) a kick-ass rock-band!

Hey guys, I moved to Gdansk recently and looking for a band to play with as a guitarist / back vocalist. I'm playing guitars since my childhood and had 2-3 years of experience playing in a rock band.

What am I looking for.
A band or set of people (drummer, bassist, guitarist, vocalist) with experience and desire to rock the shit out of stage. Music is your hobby and you cannot live without that. If while listening to music you imagine this is you playing that stuff an you know how to do that - come over here, bro, drop me a msg. And if you know somebody who will love this opportunity - please share this thread with that guy, do some karma-work.

What can I do.
I am songwriter, guitar player and a singer. What I usually do is prepare set of home-made demos with different drafts of the songs and than jam it out with the band. And if the band is experienced enough to create a songs on rehearsals out of the jam - I'm here to jump in. I can also sing and scream (no grolling, sorry), mostly as a back-vocalist but can handle the lead vocals as well (in case there is a lead guitarist and I can be more close to rhythm).

What do I have.
I have bunch of guitars for different genres of music (fender stratocaster american special, gibson les paul studio and taylor 110 acoustic) and fully equipped pedalboard with modern FX stack (Strymon, pigtronix, way huge, wampler). See my guitars here: http://take.ms/zDYX7 and my pedalboard here: http://take.ms/vaWlD

Come on, let's play. But what music?
I have pretty vide taste, but it mostly up to atmospheric heavy modern shit. In a bands I was messing around atmospheric post-hardcore, modern melodic hardcore, post-rock. So in perfect universe that's what I will be advocating, but I'm up to experiments around djent, indie, blues-rock, electronics. It all depends of you, actually.

If you know and love those bands and you know how to play your instrument, man, you are the one, msg me immediately.
Devil Sold His Soul
Being As An Ocean
Protest The Hero
City and Colour
The American Dollar
(or related to that list any other similar band of your choice)

If you're not up to this music but still feels motivated to give it a call please drop me a message with the genres/bands you are close to.
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Re: Looking for (organizing) a kick-ass rock-band!

And just to get close to the sound I'm up to here are some really raw examples of the demos I made at home:

This one is more inspired by Pink Floyd sound actually, and yes I do love romantic ballads. Note: that supposed to be a full song with vocals I didn't manage to record, it sounds incomplete without vocals https://soundcloud.com/stas-gladkov/reach-you/s-tIgJL

This is closer to atmospheric post-hardcore, sounds light on demo but we made it completely wild with the band https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B29tZWUP4KrnWU1XcDhoZUk5LTQ/view?usp=sharing
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Re: Looking for (organizing) a kick-ass rock-band!

It's more to post-metal / progressive I guess https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B29tZWUP4Krnd0R0MmNpVEdBUGM/view?usp=sharing

This one is more modern melodic post-hardcore https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B29tZWUP4KrnSXBsbjNEWnB6WGc/view?usp=sharing
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Re: Looking for (organizing) a kick-ass rock-band!

And some hardcore to end up my presentation: https://soundcloud.com/stas-gladkov/order-and-ballance-6-28-15-1911/s-eHXxK
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Re: Looking for (organizing) a kick-ass rock-band!

Welcome to Gdańsk!

It might be difficult trying to find a team here. I'd highly recommend you finding some rock-metal forum and keep searching there. And since you've already created account here, feel free to PM me your email adress - I will forward it if any friend of mine searches for a guitarist.
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Re: Looking for (organizing) a kick-ass rock-band!

I have recently moved to Gdansk too and I was singing in the blues band before. So, I don't know if blues and jazz are interesting for you, but if you are interested - I could share some records.
Would be interesting to sing in the band.
ps. I also play piano.
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