Maj 2015 - Zabralam znajomych z Anglii na polskie pierogi. Jakosc pierogow bardzo srednia mowiac delikatnie, obsluga mowi po polsku choc z silnym wschodnim akcentem. Kelner nie zapisal zamowienia, podano nam nie to co zamawialismy (stolik obok mial ten sam problem). Potem nam wmawiano, ze 'to co dostalismy to to co zamowilismy i w ogole kto wie jak bylo naprawde'. Wymuszono na nas zaplate po czym odmowiono nam podania imienia i kontaktu wlasciciela abysmy nie mogli zlozyc skargi! OMIJAJCIE Z DALEKA!
Nie wrocimy tam chocby oferowano nam dania za darmo!

May 2015 - took friends from England to try Polish pierogi. Quality of dumplings very average to say the least, staff speaks Polish although with a strong Eastern accent. The waiter did not write our order just 'memorized it', then we were served not what we ordered (the table next to us had the same problem). Then we were told that what we got was what we ordered and (quote) 'who knows what we really ordered'. Staff forced us to pay the full price and then refused to supply the name and contact to the owner so that we can not write a complaint! AVOID BY ALL MEANS! We would NOT go back there even if they offered us food for free!