~Esclarmonde de Pereille
(24 lata temu)
Christ, in whom we have counsel.
We remember your faithfull in ages past.
We remember the fallen at the hands of those that worship destruction.
May our hearts contain thy mercy at this day of sorrows and griewing.
As we see this crime repeated before our eyes and while our ears are filled with rumours of the killing of innocents all around the world.
Guide us so that we may understand, in spite of this shiver of doubt in our worth and our right to know of thee,
for surely when a man can contribute to this destruction,
these are grievous times from humanity.
Administer to those souls, who like Esclarmonde, go
through purgatory in the flesh and suffer in soul for the
persecution of the Archons, in all the world.
At the time of thy departure from the flesh the sky
grew dark and the sun where overshaddowed.
Likewise, the fire of destruction outshone the Sun
at the day and time that it were lit under thy saints.
You have yourself said that like you once suffered
we shall, and like you overcome the world, we shall
too overcome the world, and cast aside the shaddow
of death - and partake with you in the counsel of our
good Father in Heaven.
May we have the bravery of these man and women
who we never hesitate to call our brothers and sisters
worthy not only of our respect, but our admiration.
That we, facingdeaths many faces every day, may
keep our minds on thee and thine work, and the
manifestation of the Kingdom within and amongst us.
He who have counsel in the Father do not die
with the body, neithercan he suffer the eternal
emptyness reserved for killers and haters of men.
There is an eternal chasm between the redeemed
and the unredeemed, who in spite of the victory
in all the battles, will loose the war;
because it has already come to pass!
As the Sun again rises at the ashes of the
apostles and true saints of the only true Ecclesia,
which is our counsel in thee and thine in us,
again a bird flew high above the mountain of Montsegur.
No matter if man makes himself the lord and king of
nature and over all the world and all the kingdoms,
he cannot supress the prescence of this Holy Spirit,
no fire can extinquish it, because it is very fire, no
water drown it, because it is the endless ocean
of consciousness- no metal stab at it, because it
is verily beyond every form and every matter,
man can overthrow the body and form of the
witness, but what the witness saw he can never erase.
God, with whom we have counsel, we have set this
day aside for these men and women, these frenchmen,
these christians, these saints;so that at this day we
may come to understand the nature of just this overcoming
of the world. They sought it in poverty;as we do not amass
fortunes and do not build empires, so did they not amass
any wealth and ministered more to soul than to body.
When their body where returned, by human hand and
judgment, to the earth from which it had arosen;
they suffered no great loss. And in being freed as would
a bird from a cage, at that diabolic hour, they overcome
the world, like your Son, our Lord Jesus, on the cross.
God our Father, who is Love - grand us that measure that were given
these men and women, and by their example we shall
grow like them, to a field of good wheat - and we shall
be wakefull and we shall pray, and we shall remain pure
and sanctified to the Gospel.
May you keep these our brothers and sisters, as you keep us.
Aik...MERCI...Deus vos Benedicat...
Zetknales sie z Nimi osobiscie? Rozmawiales? Ilu Ich tam jest? Sa wsrod Nich kobiety? Napiszesz mi o nich cos wiecej?, co wyniesiono z Montsegur, to cospowodowalo nawrocenie tak wielu na kataryzm...mialo duzo wspolnego z energia...Nie wiem ile odkryles, ja to po prostu "wiem"...14 marca 1244 Montsegur zajasnial olbrzymim swiatlem...
W imieniu Doskonalych...dziekuje Ci, dales mi nadzieje i punkt zaczepienia. W tym roku tam i tak nie pojade- nie mam pieniedzy, Francja jest droga. Ale w przyszlym...Nic mnie nie zatrzyma.